Friday, June 29, 2012


In the early morning light, we were heading up. After a short section on the trail we found the start of the S-couloir and traveled up through rocks, patches of snow, and beautiful wildflowers.

Once we reached the top of the couloir, the long rock and grass slope of Thatchtop spread out above us. Plenty more "up" to go. While searching for the elusive alpine forget-me-not (with a lemon drop reward), we saw some white tailed ptarmigan blending into the rocks.

Lunch at the summit was a welcome break. Bruce received his 100 mile patch at 12,668 feet - quite an achievement for his month at the Y.

Down the rocks on the other side of Thatchtop, past Solitude and Shelf Lakes, we threaded our way through the forest to Tom's secret highlight - Shelf Creek Falls. 
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Emerald Lake

There is nothing quite like getting out on the trail before 6 AM. The sun is only just over the horizon, the color slowly starts to materialize, the air is still. 

After viewing Nymph we arrived at Dream Lake. Hallett and the buttresses of Flattop towered in the distance.  
 Emerald Lake brought us closer to Hallett

A snowshoe hare darted across the trail, but calmly settled down to munching the grass. While his hind legs are still white, the rest of his fur has become his summer camouflage. 

Muneca and friends at Bear Lake
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Finch Lake up the Elevator

The heat has finally broken making it a perfect day for hiking. We took the main trail up Wild Basin stopping at Copeland Falls and Calypso Cascades. Then the fun starts. Following the faint trail to the left of the cascades we made our way towards Finch Lake. 

Every drop in the creek brought another photo stop. Tall Chiming Bells are blooming all along the banks. 

We were rewarded with a calm day at Finch Lake. Reflections were perfect and a small duck family kept zooming back and forth, creating little ripples in the mirror. 

Muneca found herself a new friend on the hike. Chippy was very attentive. 

Muneca and friends at Finch Lake. 
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Cub Lake and the Pool

A beautiful lake surrounded by great rocks for enjoying lunch. The mallard family and the ground squirrels were trying hard to steal some of our food. We had plenty of beautiful flowers along the way as the trail changed from meadow, to sunny montane, to north facing and cool. The first columbines of the season, twinflower, star flowered pyrola were blooming No moose or wood lilies this time around.

Muneca and her friends at Cub Lake.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Deer Mountain

Every time I have hiked up Deer Mountain it is windy. I get to the true summit and brace myself to take a few photos without blowing of the edge. I've never been able to truly enjoy the views of the high mountains for long. I hunker down on the side facing town and gaze at Twin Sisters instead. One day I hope to be able to just hang out on the summit and relax. 
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wigwam Tea Room

The Wigwam Tea Room lies on the old trail up Aspen Brook that was used to get from Estes Park up to Longs Peak. The buildings are maintained enough to keep them from further decay, but there are no signs marking the history of the place.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ouzel Falls

So often I pass Ouzel Falls on the way to one of the higher lakes and don't take the time to hike up and see the falls straight on rather than sideways from the bridge. The spray feels wonderful on a hot day. The water snakes through the cracked rock, finding the easiest way down the ledges and back to a sedate little river.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Brainard Lake

Travis and I set off to Brainard Lake area hoping to do Mitchell and Blue. Unfortunately the road was still closed at the winter parking lot, requiring us to walk in 2 1/2 miles to the summer trailhead. The flowers in the parking lot were already beautiful, and we found lots more up near Long Lake. 

The Indian Peaks above Brainard Lake have some snow this year, but nothing like last year. They look inviting. I'll be up and over Pawnee Pass in a few weeks and get to see them from the top. 
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lookout and Horsetooth

Although it sits right behind our cabin, I had never hiked to Lookout Mountain before. A short, but steep hike from Meeker Park takes you to this peak on the flank of Mt Meeker with a tremendous view into Wild Basin. 

To get to the very top requires one or two pretty exposed moves, and getting down is even more challenging. However there are plenty of rocks just below where you can enjoy the 360 degree views. 

Unfortunately the High Park fire outside of Ft Collins started while we were on the hike. A tiny puff of smoke in the distance soon became a gigantic cloud of smoke on a hot and windy day. 
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

MacGregor Falls

Early summer is the best time to hike to MacGregor Falls. The walk across the meadow is not too hot and the water is cascading down the falls.
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