Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bahia Asuncion

We decided to stay another night in Bahia Asuncion just because we were tired of being on the road. It was great to have a day without getting into the car. We walked along the beach for miles in the morning, hung around the campsite in the afternoon reading and painting.

In the afternoon we walked through the town. The main businesses in town are the two fishing co-ops. This boat was hauling in the catch and putting it straight on the ice truck. The birds were certainly hoping for a snack. And I learned why everyone wears a hoodie - bird poop. Apparently the wages are good and the town is pretty prosperous. Lots of new trucks around town.

 We walked out to the point, where it is less protected, but very beautiful - the "Alaskan" side of town as the locals say. Another blowhole or bufadora in the rocks off the point.

Perry, the guy who was taking care of the campsites, came by with some extra fish, so we made some wonderful fish tacos with avocado. Local expats, Tim and Barb, invited us over to their house for a bonfire. It was a cool evening, I even had on my north face puffy down parka, so the fire was welcome.

One of the things about these small Mexican towns is the dogs. Big ones, small ones, they are everywhere, roaming freely through every village. We had a few make the rounds of the campground here, but our favorite was this enormous pit bull named Todo. He would just saunter over and suddenly appear next to you. If you scratched him, he would lean against your leg. If you sat down, he would politely put one paw on your leg. If that was well received, the other paw might go up. And if that wasn't too much, his two paws would go to your shoulders and he would give you a big hug, and try to climb in your lap. Mind you, he weighs in over 100 pounds. He never once barked, although we did think he was trying to sing for his supper, a faint little serenade.

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