Monday, August 15, 2011

Bridal Veil Falls

Bridal Veil Falls is a hike that I love. I count the memories with each step I take. Camping with girls when they were tiny - holding out raisins and animal crackers to entice them one step closer to Rabbit Ears campsite. Knowing just where Erin would stop to rearrange her socks and tie up her shoelaces yet again. Here is the stream crossing where the shooting stars grow. Here is where Paul stopped when he couldn't quite make it up the last climb, two months before he died. There is where the stick lives under the bridge, where we retrieve it for another few hours of fun. How many memories can one stretch of trail possibly hold? And how is it possible that there is room to load it up with even more memories every time I hike this trail...
 Did I mention that my favorite swimming hole is on this hike?
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