Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bahia Concepcion - El Requeson - Day 2

The wind dropped completely during the night, and it became so silent. The water is still in the cove with barely a murmur. Straight out the front of the tent, the sun rose over the bay, intense and shimmering.

In the early morning quiet, a raucous seagull chased another one with a fish. In hot pursuit was the great blue heron who had caught the fish in the first place. The gulls kept their prize and the heron returned to stalking the shallows.

Behind us, scattered across the hillsides, are the tall cadron cactus. Three turkey vultures arrived to perch on the pinnacles. They slowly turned their backs to the sun and spread their wings, each cactus transformed into a totem pole. The little girl who lives here is already riding her bicycle up and down this short beach. It takes about a minute and I think she must do this about 100 times a day. Well, it is the weekend.

With the wind picking up again, we walked over to the island, and down the other side, where the wind is howling. I didn't realize how protected we are. But the water is so clear, it's Incredible.

After lunch we headed up to the next beach where there is a little restaurant. What a treat, Olivia, from Tijuana, owns the place and has been there for 24 years. She is now married to an American, Mark. His 24 year old son Nathan has joined them here. We split an Amazing fish burger from the yellowtail that Nathan speared yesterday, complete with roasted poblano peppers. Quite possibly the most wonderful thing I have ever tasted.We also met a couple of firefighters from San Diego there. They come down as often as they can. If they cross the border at 4am they can be here by 4 PM. Hmmmm. Not a bad getaway. Well, if you didn't have the first 1000 miles from Colorado.

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