Saturday, October 21, 2017

Back in the Saddle - Return to Rio

Marmoset seen in Rio Botanical Gardens
Christ the Redeemer


The adventure continues, although after having a granddaughter this little jaunt seems positively tame.
One night in Rio and then a 5 hour bus ride south to pick up my motorbike in Itajubá - all repaired and looking shiny bright and positively panting to be back on the road - I think it missed me.

This mountainous area in the State of Minas Gerais is largely agricultural and I found a very cool Fazenda (farm) to stay on for two nights. Fazenda Maratea, just outside the little town of Piranguçu, although a working farm, has created an events center and Pousada ( inn / BnB ). I am staying in a converted barn that for some reason I have been told is quite fitting. 
Fazenda Maratea


 I am going to be riding back towards the coast tomorrow, weather permitting, and then aim south towards Uruguay. I say weather permitting as this is the start of the rainy season and the forecast shows a 100% chance of rain for the next two weeks!!  -- Will keep you updated

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back, it must have been difficult to return as a grandpa! Safe travels and sorry we never crossed paths, just been in Peru and Bolivia.... There is always London! Stella
